ब्रेकिंग न्यूज़

Population of the majestic Asiatic Lion, living in Gujarat’s Gir Forest, is up by almost 29 percent.

Population of the majestic Asiatic Lion, living in Gujarat’s Gir Forest, is up by almost 29 percent. share via Whatsapp

Population of the majestic Asiatic Lion, living in Gujarat’s Gir Forest, is up by almost 29 percent.

Geographically, distribution area is up by 36%.

Kudos to the people of Gujarat and all those whose efforts have led to this excellent feat.https://t.co/vUKngxOCa7 pic.twitter.com/TEIT2424vF

Over the last several years, the Lion population in Gujarat has been steadily rising. This is powered by community participation, emphasis on technology, wildlife healthcare, proper habitat management and steps to minimise human-lion conflict. Hope this positive trend continues!

Population of the majestic Asiatic Lion, living in Gujarat’s Gir Forest, is up by almost 29 percent.

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